Monday, January 19, 2009

Mission 1

Here is a guide to Mission 1: CASE OF THE MISSING PUFFLES

1.Talk to Aunt Artic

2.Go to the ice rink

3.Pick up the pictures on the right and put it on your inventory

4.Give the pictures to Aunt Artic on the map

5.Go to the petshop

7.Click on the not on the left

8.Click on the code next to your inventory and it will say "G has ______ ______ pairs of socks
* The pairs of socks #s will change so you'll have to figure it out

9. Go to the sport shop and talk to G

10.He will give you a question and put the # of socks you have found on the not in the pet shop and put in the answer

11.G will open a cabnet and give you two items put them both in your inventory

12.Go to the iceburg and use one of the items in your inventory

13.Click on the green penguin on the iceburg and read what he says

14.Go to the ski mountain and talk to the penguin that is crying

15.Use the wrench in ur spy phone and fix the telescope

16.Look in the telescope untill you find the green puffle flying

17.Click on a side then go to the tallest moutain

18.Look up and use the other items that G gave you

19.Talk to the puffles and talk to Aunt Artic

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